Veterinary Vaccines

Directia Sanitar Veterinara si pentru Siguranta Alimentelor Braila Romania has Released a tender for Veterinary Vaccines in Pharmaceuticals. The tender was released on Dec 07, 2024.

Country - Romania

Summary - Veterinary Vaccines

Deadline - login to view

MT reference number - 99287492

Product classification - Vaccines for veterinary medicine

Organization Details:

  Address - Romania

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  MT Ref Id - 99287492

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Framework agreement for the SUPPLY of VACCINES FOR VETERINARY USE divided into 6 lots as follows:Lot no. 1. Avian tuberculin, Lot no. 2. Mammalian tuberculin, Lot no. 3. Inactivated rabies vaccine fl x 1 dz, Lot no. 4 - Inactivated rabie s vaccine fl x 10 dz; Lot no. 5 - Anthrax vaccine fl x 50 dz, Lot no. 6 - Anthrax vaccine fl x 100 dz, according to the technical specifications in the specifications.The minimum and maximum quantities of the framework agreement and of the largest subsequent contract, related to each lot, are included in the annex to the specifications.1) The contracting authority will respond clearly and completely to all requests for clarification/additional in

Mt Ref Id - 99287492

Deadline - Nov 30, -0001


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