Country - United Kingdom
Summary - Understanding Phenotype And Mechanisms Of Spontaneous Preterm Birth In Sub-saharan Africa (precise-sptb)
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MT reference number - 10468263
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Address - United Kingdom
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
MT Ref Id - 10468263
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Budget spend to date: £123,628 (11. 59%)Project budget: £1,067,101Sector groups as a percentage of project budget Research/scientific institutions: 100. 0%Benefitting country/region: Developing countries, unspecifiedPreterm birth, birth before 37 w eeks of pregnancy, is a major cause of infant death and illness in sub-saharan africa. Over 80% of preterm births globally have been estimated to occur in sub-saharan african (ssa) and asian countries, the majority being due to women going into preterm labour spontaneously or their membranes (waters) rupture early (classified together as spontaneous preterm birth, sptb). Despite knowledge of the global impact of sptb, most of the research into th
Mt Ref Id - 10468263
Deadline - Aug 31, 2023
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