Country - Slovenia
Summary - Ultrasound
Deadline - Apr 04, 2025
MT reference number - 104470349
Product classification - Diagnostic ultrasound devices
Address - Slovenia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
MT Ref Id - 104470349
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Purchase of ultrasound appliances for the needs of the following areas of use:1. Lot: UZ Apparatus for the needs of the emergency center2. Lot: UZ Apparatus for the needs of the vascular surgery department 3. Set: UZ Apparatus for the ne eds of the Orthopedic Surgery Department4. Lot: UZ Apparatus for Pediatric Departmentlocal title:: ULTRAZVOČNI APARATIContract Duration: : 60 DAYContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : Nabava ultrazvočnih aparatov za potrebe naslednjih področij uporabe:1. sklop: UZ aparat za potrebe urgentnega centra2. sklop: UZ aparat za potrebe oddelka za žilno kirurgijo 3. sklop: UZ aparat za potrebe oddelka za ortopedsko kirurgijo4. sklop: UZ aparat z
Mt Ref Id - 104470349
Deadline - Apr 04, 2025
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