
Жиззах шахар мактабгача ва мактаб таълими булими, 201432889 Uzbekistan has Released a tender for Tanlov in Healthcare and Medicine. The tender was released on Dec 07, 2024.

Country - Uzbekistan

Summary - Tanlov

Deadline - login to view

MT reference number - 99290121

Product classification - Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products

Organization Details:

  Address - Uzbekistan

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  MT Ref Id - 99290121

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Purchase of necessary furniture for the school and preschool education department of Jizzakh city (timely and high-quality delivery)local title:: Танловlocal description: : Жиззах шахар мактаб ва мактабга ча таълим бўлимига керакли бўлган мебел харид қилиш (уз вактида ва сифатли етказиб бериш)Net Budget LC: : 393350000.0 est_amount: 393350000.0 lot_details: 1: 1 - First aid table, 2: 2 - Office chair, 3: 3 - Desk, 4: 4 - Chair on a wooden frame, 5: 5 - Chair on a metal frame, 6: 6 - Tribune, 7: 7 - Desk-lectern, 8: 8 - Bookcase, 9: 9 - Bookcase, 10: 10 - Office table, 11: 11

Mt Ref Id - 99290121

Deadline - Nov 30, -0001


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