Country - Poland
Summary - Supply Of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices And Other
Deadline - login to view
MT reference number - 99609390
Product classification - Pharmaceutical products
Address - Poland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
MT Ref Id - 99609390
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: delivery of medicinal products, medical devices and other products divided into 14 parts in the quantities and assortment specified in Annex No. 2 to the draft - price formslocal title:: dostawa produktów leczniczych, wyrobów medycznyc h i innychContract Duration: : 12 MONTHContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : dostawa produktów leczniczych, wyrobów medycznych i innych z podziałem na 14 części w ilościach i asortymencie określonym w załączniku nr 2 do swz- formularze cenowe category: supplies lot_details: 1: Narcotic drugs, 2: Psychotropic drugs, 3: Circulatory, painkillers and other drugs, 4: Antibacterial, antifungal drugs, 5: Antidiabetic, circulatory, painkil
Mt Ref Id - 99609390
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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