Country - Poland
Summary - Successive Deliveries Of Pharmaceutical Products
Deadline - login to view
MT reference number - 96468187
Product classification - Pharmaceutical products
Address - Poland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
MT Ref Id - 96468187
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: 1. The subject of the order is the successive deliveries of pharmaceutical products, i.e. medicines, including medicines from medicine programs type B and C for the needs of the Maria Skłodowska-Curie Provincial Specialist Hospital in Z gierz.1.1. The order includes 73 tasks (parts).Tasks no. 51 and 58 - medicine program B.29, tasks 52 and 65 - medicine program B.70, task 57 - medicine program C.37, task 60 - medicine program C.45, task 62 - medicine program B.39, task 66 - medicine program B.108, task 67 - medicine program B.99.1.2. The estimated list of deliveries of the assortment for the duration of the contract is included in Annex 2 to the SWZ.local title:: Sukcesywne dost
Mt Ref Id - 96468187
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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