Réponse à l’Appel d’Offre International pour l’acquisition de 60 paillasses mobiles en lot unique pour les trois laboratoires de niveau P2 / Response to the International Call for Tenders for the acquisition of 60 mobile benches in a single batch for the three P2 level laboratories

UMRSS Mali Mali has Released a tender for Réponse à l’Appel d’Offre International pour l’acquisition de 60 paillasses mobiles en lot unique pour les trois laboratoires de niveau P2 / Response to the International Call for Tenders for the acquisition of 60 mobile benches in a single batch for the three P2 level laboratories in Healthcare Equipment and Services. The tender was released on Jan 28, 2025.

Country - Mali

Summary - Réponse à l’Appel d’Offre International pour l’acquisition de 60 paillasses mobiles en lot unique pour les trois laboratoires de niveau P2 / Response to the International Call for Tenders for the acquisition of 60 mobile benches in a single batch for the three P2 level laboratories

Deadline - Mar 02, 2025

MT reference number - 89975953

Product classification - Miscellaneous medical devices and products

Organization Details:

  Address - Mali

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  MT Ref Id - 89975953

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Tender Notice are invited for Réponse à l’Appel d’Offre International pour l’acquisition de 60 paillasses mobiles en lot unique pour les trois laboratoires de niveau P2 / Response to the International Call for Tenders for the acquisition of 6 0 mobile benches in a single batch for the three P2 level laboratories. The Tender Notice has been released by UMRSS Mali and the deadline is 2025-03-02.

Mt Ref Id - 89975953

Deadline - Mar 02, 2025


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