Country - Uzbekistan
Summary - Purchase Of Necessary Materials
Deadline - login to view
MT reference number - 98255019
Product classification - Mining, basic metals and related products
Address - Uzbekistan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
MT Ref Id - 98255019
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: purchase of necessary materialslocal title:: закупки необходимые материалыlocal description: : закупки необходимые материалыNet Budget LC: : 104940000.0 est_amount: 104940000.0 lot_de tails: 1: 1 - Set of toys and board games, 2: 2 - Magnetic chalk board, 3: 3 - Set of toys and board games, 4: 4 - Set of toys and board games, 5: 5 - Set of toys and board games, 6: 6 - Set of toys and board games, 7: 7 - Set of toys and board games, 8: 8 - Set of toys and board games, 9: 9 - Set of toys and board games, 10: 10 - Set of toys and board games, 11: 11 - Set of toys and board games, 12: 12 - Carpet, 13: 13 - Multicolored flags, 14:
Mt Ref Id - 98255019
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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