Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - Purchase Of Household Goods
Deadline - Apr 14, 2025
MT reference number - 103304347
Product classification - Paper or paperboard registers, account books, binders, forms and other articles of printed stationery
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
MT Ref Id - 103304347
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Purchase Of Household Goodslocal title:: Təsərrüfat mallarının satınalınması lot_details: 1: Glass cleaning spray 500 ml, 2: Dry pasta 500 ml, 3: Safequard soap, 4: Rubber gloves, 5: Pistol (for Bede set aftafa), 6: Domestos, 7: Microfiber cloth 32x32, 8: Napkin 3-pack, 9: Garbage bag (Garbage bag 50x60), 10: Spirit 1 liter, 11: Medical gloves, 12: Medical mask, 13: Extender 3m electric, 14: Extender 5m electric, 15: Telephone cable 5m, 1: 5m cable internet, 2: Batareya AAA, 3: AA batteries, 4: Seal pad, 5: USB-128gb., 6: Gulben smesitel 25-li, 7: Gulben smesitel 40-li, 8: Napkin holder, 9: Neon lamp 60cm., 10: Neon lamp starter, 11: Economy lamp large, 12: Faucet for w
Mt Ref Id - 103304347
Deadline - Apr 14, 2025
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