Country - Uruguay
Summary - Purchase For Salto Hospital Pharmacy: 1) Norethysterone 0.01-2Mg. 2) Aripiprazole Susp. 3) Testosterone 250Mg. 4) Ethinylestradiol-Orethysterone 0.01-2Mg. 5) Hydrocortisone 500 Ampoules.
Deadline - login to view
MT reference number - 98650670
Product classification - Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products
Address - Uruguay
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
MT Ref Id - 98650670
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Purchase For Salto Hospital Pharmacy: 1) Norethysterone 0.01-2Mg. 2) Aripiprazole Susp. 3) Testosterone 250Mg. 4) Ethinylestradiol-Orethysterone 0.01-2Mg. 5) Hydrocortisone 500 Ampoules.local title:: COMPRA PARA FARMACIA HOSPITAL SALTO: 1) NORETISTERONA 0.01-2MG. 2) ARIPIPRAZOL SUSP. 3) TESTOSTERONA 250MG. 4) ETINILESTRADIOL-ORETISTERONA 0.01-2MG. 5) HIDROCORTISONA 500 AMPOLLAS. lot_details: 1: ESTRADIOL (TABLETS), 2: TESTOSTERONE (INJECTABLE), 3: ETHINYLESTRADIOL WITH NORETISTERONE, 4: HYDROCORTISONE
Mt Ref Id - 98650670
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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