Country - Poland
Summary - Purchase And Delivery Of Laminars, Devices For Determining Soil Pf Characteristics And Pipettes For The Faculty Of Biology, University Of Warsaw
Deadline - login to view
MT reference number - 99434433
Product classification - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
Address - Poland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
MT Ref Id - 99434433
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Purchase and delivery of laminars, devices for determining soil pF characteristics and pipettes for the Faculty of Biology, University of Warsawlocal title:: Zakup i dostawa laminarów, aparatów do określania charakterystyki pF gleby o raz pipet dla Wydziału Biologii UWContract Duration: : 45 DAYContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : Zakup i dostawa laminarów, aparatów do określania charakterystyki pF gleby oraz pipet dla Wydziału Biologii UW dispatch_date: 2024-12-06 00:00:00 lot_details: 1: Part 1: Delivery and assembly of a laminar flow cabinet, 2: Part 2: Delivery and assembly of a laminar air flow cabinet of microbiological safety class II, 3: Part 3: Supply and
Mt Ref Id - 99434433
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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