Provision of health services by VISIÓN INTEGRADOS SAS NIT 901.180.3828, under its responsibility, with its own human, technical, administrative, and rental resources and in its own facilities in the form of all services included in the prospective global payment portfolio and its annexes in the ophthalmology specialty, and other services enabled for members of the Health Program of the University of Antioquia

UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA Colombia has Released a tender for Provision of health services by VISIÓN INTEGRADOS SAS NIT 901.180.3828, under its responsibility, with its own human, technical, administrative, and rental resources and in its own facilities in the form of all services included in the prospective global payment portfolio and its annexes in the ophthalmology specialty, and other services enabled for members of the Health Program of the University of Antioquia in Healthcare Equipment and Services. The tender was released on Aug 05, 2024.

Country - Colombia

Summary - Provision of health services by VISIÓN INTEGRADOS SAS NIT 901.180.3828, under its responsibility, with its own human, technical, administrative, and rental resources and in its own facilities in the form of all services included in the prospective global payment portfolio and its annexes in the ophthalmology specialty, and other services enabled for members of the Health Program of the University of Antioquia

Deadline - Jul 29, 2025

MT reference number - 90250351

Product classification - Health services

Organization Details:

  Address - Colombia

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  MT Ref Id - 90250351

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Provision of health services by VISIÓN INTEGRADOS S.A.S. NIT 901.180.3828, under its responsibility, with its own human, technical, administrative, and rental resources and in its own facilities, of all the services included in the pros pective global payment portfolio and its annexes in the ophthalmology specialty, and other services enabled for members of the Health Program of the University of Antioquialocal title:: 4500130319netbudgetlc: 600000000.0tender_contract_end_date: 2025-07-24 12:07:00.000000 UTCtender_contract_start_date: 2024-07-24 12:07:00.000000 UTCcategory: Programas de salud

Mt Ref Id - 90250351

Deadline - Jul 29, 2025


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