Country - Morocco
Summary - Procurement Of Supplies For The Provincial Center For Supporting The Education Of Children With Disabilities In Larache. (Market Divided Into 8 Lots): Lot No. 1: Office Furniture. Lot No. 2: Office Equipment. Lot No. 3: Computer Equipment. Lot No. 4: Medical Equipment. Lot No. 5: Physiotherapy Equipment. Lot No. 6: Specialized Educational Equipment. Lot No. 7: Kitchen Equipment. Lot No. 8: Audiovisual Equipment.
Deadline - login to view
MT reference number - 90136389
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Morocco
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
MT Ref Id - 90136389
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Procurement Of Supplies For The Provincial Center For Supporting The Education Of Children With Disabilities In Larache. (Market Divided Into 8 Lots): Lot No. 1: Office Furniture. Lot No. 2: Office Equipment. Lot No. 3: Computer Equipmen t. Lot No. 4: Medical Equipment. Lot No. 5: Physiotherapy Equipment. Lot No. 6: Specialized Educational Equipment. Lot No. 7: Kitchen Equipment. Lot No. 8: Audiovisual Equipment.local title:: L’acquisition des fournitures pour le Centre provincial d'appui à la scolarisation des enfants en situation d'handicap à Larache. (Marché alloti en 8 lots) : Lot N°1 : Mobilier de bureau. Lot N°2 : Matériel de bureau. Lot N°3 : matériel informatiqu
Mt Ref Id - 90136389
Deadline - Aug 17, 2024
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