Country - Spain
Summary - Medical Records Digitization Service Of The Vega Baja Hospital In Orihuela After Transferring Them From Their Current Location (Orihuela Hospital And Custody Center In The Elche Industrial Park) To The Digitization Area Of The Successful Bidder Company, Expurgating The Documentation To Digitize And Legal Destruction Of Existing Histories And X-Rays.
Deadline - login to view
MT reference number - 80209450
Product classification - Computer archiving services
Address - Spain
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
MT Ref Id - 80209450
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description Transfer of the medical records to be digitized from their location (41300 in the Vega Baja Hospital of Orihuela and 28000 in a custody center located in the Industrial Park (Torrellano-Elche-Alicante) to the digitization area of th e contractor with custody of these until its digitization.local title: Servicio de digitalización de historias clínicas del Hospital Vega Baja de Orihuela previo traslado de las mismas desde su ubicación actual (Hospital de Orihuela y Centro de custodia en el parque industrial de Elche) hasta el área de digitalización de la empresa adjudicataria expurgo de la documentación a digitalizar y destrucción legal de historias y radiografias exist
Mt Ref Id - 80209450
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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