Medical Consumables

ИНСТИТУТ ЗА ОНКОЛОГИЈУ И РАДИОЛОГИЈУ СРБИЈЕ Serbia has Released a tender for Medical Consumables in Healthcare and Medicine. The tender was released on Nov 06, 2024.

Country - Serbia

Summary - Medical Consumables

Deadline - login to view

MT reference number - 97011349

Product classification - Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products

Organization Details:

  Address - Serbia

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  MT Ref Id - 97011349

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Medical Consumableslocal title:: Медицински потрошни материјалContract Type: : Supply lot_details: 1: Protective gloves DMT1, 2: Alcohol 70% DMT1, 3: Medical consumables DMT1, 4: Syringes and needles DMT1, 5: Pipette tips DMT1, 6: Pipette attachments Eppendorf Dual DMT1, 7: Transfer pipette DMT1, 8: Microtubes DMT1, 9: Лабораторијски потрошни материјал ДМТ1, 10: Serological pipettes DMT1, 11: DMT1 cell culture plates/plates, 12: Flasks for working with cell cultures DMT1, 13: PBS DMT1, 14: DMEM nutrient medium DMT1, 15: D-(+)-Glucose DMT1, 16: Nutrient media for DMT1 cell cultures, 17: Chemicals for working with cell

Mt Ref Id - 97011349

Deadline - Nov 30, -0001


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