Country - Liberia
Summary - Liberia: Liberia Covid-19 Emergency Response Project Additional Financing On Vaccines
Deadline - Dec 31, 2025
MT reference number - 11201175
Product classification -
Address - Liberia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
MT Ref Id - 11201175
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Project ID: P176336Region: Africa westThe proposal for AF is fully consistent with the Liberia COVID-19 Emergency Response Project (P173812) and does not require a change of the PDO or project components. The World Bank’s COVID-19 Vaccine Readiness Assessment Framework (VRAF) is being used by Liberia to assess its readiness to deliver COVID-19 vaccines and optimize vaccine delivery and use within the ambit of the existing Project. Using the results of theAssessment, the AF will address some of the priority gaps identified including through financing technical assistance, equipment (including cold storage equipment), as well as the purchase of vaccines. 24.The proposed AF will finance new a
Mt Ref Id - 11201175
Deadline - Dec 31, 2025
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