Country - Slovakia
Summary - Instrumentation Equipment Of Slapa Workplaces
Deadline - login to view
MT reference number - 99942459
Product classification - Medical equipments
Address - Slovakia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
MT Ref Id - 99942459
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Instrumentation for ensuring the activities of toxicological and histological laboratories SLaPA of the ÚDZS workplaces.More specifically specified in Annexes No. 1.a, 1.b, 1.c.local title:: Prístrojové vybavenie SLaPA pracovískContr act Duration: : 45 DAYContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : Prístrojové vybavenie pre zabezpečenie činnosti toxikologických a histologických laboratórií SLaPA pracovísk ÚDZS.Bližšie špecifikované v prílohách č. 1.a, 1.b, 1.c.Net Budget Euro: : 141537.35Net Budget LC: : 141537.35 dispatch_date: 2024-10-25 00:00:00 est_amount: 141537.35 lot_details: 1: Histological instruments, 2: Toxicological instruments, 3: Other SLaPA equ
Mt Ref Id - 99942459
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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