Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - Household Goods And Stationery
Deadline - login to view
MT reference number - 104000047
Product classification - Lamps
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
MT Ref Id - 104000047
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Household Goods And Stationerylocal title:: Təsərrüfat malları və dəftərxana ləvazimatı lot_details: 1: Paper, 2: Paper, 3: Paper, 4: Plastic slide stick, 5: Plastic slide stick, 6: Plastic slide stick, 7: Plastic slide stick, 8: Plastic slide stick, 9: Plastic slide stick, 10: Plastic slide stick, 11: Plastic slide stick, 12: Clamp, 13: Clamp, 14: Clamp, 15: Clamp, 1: Violator, 2: Pencil, 3: Pen, 4: Pen, 5: Pen, 6: Pen, 7: Pen, 8: Whitening Lenta, 9: Flash Drıve, 10: Flash Drıve, 11: Archival folder, 12: Foldy, 13: Kalykulator, 14: Binding cover, 15: Binding cover, 1: Binding cover, 2: Binding cover, 3: Binding cover, 4: Scrap, 5: Scrap, 6: Stepler, 7: Disk, 8: Disk
Mt Ref Id - 104000047
Deadline - Mar 12, 2025
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