Discount Agreements According To Section 130A Paragraph 8 Sgb V For Blood Sugar Test Strips (Open House Procedure)

AOK - Die Gesundheitskasse in Hessen Postanschrift: Kolner Str. 8, 65760 Eschborn Land: Deutschland Kontaktstelle(n): z. Hd. Frau Corinna Varelmann E-Mail: Telefon: +49 61964069711 Fax: +49 6966816559711 Internet-Adresse(n):Hauptadresse: http: hessen Germany has Released a tender for Discount Agreements According To Section 130A Paragraph 8 Sgb V For Blood Sugar Test Strips (Open House Procedure) in Pharmaceuticals. The tender was released on Apr 10, 2024.

Country - Germany

Summary - Discount Agreements According To Section 130A Paragraph 8 Sgb V For Blood Sugar Test Strips (Open House Procedure)

Deadline - Apr 01, 2026

MT reference number - 80683501

Product classification - Pharmaceutical products

Organization Details:

  Address - Germany

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  MT Ref Id - 80683501

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: The subject of this publication is the conclusion of discount agreements in accordance with Section 130a Paragraph 8 SGB V for blood sugar test strips as part of a so-called “open house procedure”.The contract can be concluded at any time and under the same conditions. Individual contract negotiations will not be carried out.The earliest contract start date is June 1st, 2024. Based on this, the contract term is a maximum of 24 months. The contract ends on May 31, 2026, regardless of the start of the contract.Interested pharmaceutical manufacturers can request the contract documents at AOK Hessen carries out a tender for exclusive contracts for th

Mt Ref Id - 80683501

Deadline - Apr 01, 2026


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