Country - Portugal
Summary - Contract For The Rehabilitation Of Domestic Wastewater Drainage Infrastructures Next To The Commercial Centers Of Quinta Do Lago (Proc. Ref. Cp Emp 004/Set/2023)
Deadline - login to view
MT reference number - 82889032
Product classification - Sanitary works
Address - Portugal
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
MT Ref Id - 82889032
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Contract for the Rehabilitation of Domestic Waste Water Drainage Infrastructures next to the Commercial Centers of Quinta do Lago (Proc. ref. CP EMP 004/SET/2023) Contract for the Rehabilitation of Domestic Waste Water Drainage Infrastru ctures next to the Commercial Centers of Quinta do Lago (Proc. ref. CP EMP 004/SEP/2023).local title:: Empreitada de Reabilitação de Infraestruturas de Drenagem de Águas Residuais Domésticas junto aos Centros Comerciais da Quinta do Lago (Proc. ref.ª CP EMP 004/SET/2023).netbudgeteuro: 218031.75.netbudgetlc: 218031.75.type_of_procedure: Other.bidding_response_method: Not Available
Mt Ref Id - 82889032
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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