Country - Spain
Summary - Cell-like ‘molecular Assembly Lines’ Of Programmable Reaction Sequences As Game-changers In Chemical Synthesis
Deadline - login to view
MT reference number - 10105070
Product classification -
Address - Spain
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
MT Ref Id - 10105070
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Status : Grant agreement signedOverall budget : € 3 078 073,75EU contribution : € 3 078 073,75.Chemical synthesis requires several process steps, produces vast amounts of waste today, for example 25–100 kg of waste per kg of product for pharmac eutical drugs, and is thus inefficient and not sustainable. Our vision is to become a real game-changer for chemical synthesis and eliminate many process steps, resulting in close to zero waste streams and a sustainable ‘chemical factory of the future’.To make this vision come true, the overarching aim of CLASSY is to develop a radically new type of chemical reactor inspired by the way in which living systems manage to modulate catalytic acti
Mt Ref Id - 10105070
Deadline - Oct 31, 2023
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