Country - Norway
Summary - 76980 Ul Klm Mik Anaerobic Chamber
Deadline - login to view
MT reference number - 100066743
Product classification - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
Address - Norway
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
MT Ref Id - 100066743
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The contracting authority invites tenderers to a competition for the procurement of an incubator/anaerobic chamber that shall be used for culturing and resistance determination of microbes that require anaerobic conditions.local title:: 76980 UL KLM MIK Anaerobic ChamberContract Duration: : 120 DAYContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : The contracting authority invites tenderers to a competition for the procurement of an incubator/anaerobic chamber that shall be used for culturing and resistance determination of microbes that require anaerobic conditions. dispatch_date: 2024-12-16 00:00:00 lot_details: 1: 76980 UL KLM MIK Anaerobic Chamber
Mt Ref Id - 100066743
Deadline - Feb 07, 2025
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