Country - Georgia
Summary - 1) Antibacterial Hand Soap 2) Alcohol Hand Sanitizer 3) Alcohol Skin Antiseptic 4) Disinfection And Sterilization Concentrate For Surgical Instruments And Flexible Instruments 5) Ready-Made Disinfectant Solution For Disinfection Of Bathrooms 6) Disinfectant Concentrate For Disinfection Of Areas 7) Disinfectant Solution, Enzymatic Washing/Disinfection Of Instruments
Deadline - login to view
MT reference number - 90110145
Product classification - Pharmaceutical products
Address - Georgia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
MT Ref Id - 90110145
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: 1) Antibacterial hand soap - antibacterial, antiallergic for hygienic hand treatment, with glycerin. Packaging: not less than 1 liter, not more than 5 liters - 100 liters2) Alcoholic hand disinfectant - microbiological activity: tubercul icidal, virus-activating (AIDS, hepatitis B, C, herpes virus, papova rota adeno viruses, antiseptic effect, with glycerin, packaging: not less than 1 liter, not more than 5 liters - 1000 liters3) Alcohol skin antiseptic - during blood tests, injections, catheterization, punctures, minor medical procedures, wounds, bacterial and eczematous infections. Microbiological activity: bactericidal, fungicidal, tuberculocidal, virus-activating (AIDS, hepat
Mt Ref Id - 90110145
Deadline - Aug 15, 2024
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