Country - Serbia
Summary - Лабораторијски Материјал-Пластика
Deadline - login to view
MT reference number - 99782396
Product classification - Medical consumables
Address - Serbia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
MT Ref Id - 99782396
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Лабораторијски Материјал-Пластикаlocal title:: Лабораторијски материјал-пластика lot_details: 1: 1 - Bug Tips sequels, 2: 3 - Disposable spoons, 3: 4 - Swab kit, 4: 5 - PCR b uild plates, 5: 7 - Plastic stand, 6: 8 - PVC sample holder, 7: 9 - Sampling vessels, 8: 10 - L stick, 9: 11 - Containers PP for sampling, 10: 12 - Syringe bottle, 11: 13 - Microtiter plate, 12: 14 - Automatic pipette attachments, 13: 15 - Plastic normal vessels, 14: 16 - Test tubes, 15: 17 - Plastic funnel, 16: 19 - PVC hose, 17: 20 - Sterile bag, 18: 21 - Plastic box for transporting materials, 19: 23 - VITEC 2 test tubes, 20: 24 - PVC stand
Mt Ref Id - 99782396
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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